
"If there are to be problems, may they come during my life-time so that I can resolve them and give my children the chance of a good life."

Kenyan proverb
"History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once they have exhausted all other alternatives"

Abba Eban
"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

The Report of the U.N. Brundtland Commission, Our Common Future, 1987
SPECIAL SESSION: Energy and Water Development
Session resume:

The global energy demand is anticipated to grow by over one third by 2040, driven primarily by developing economies.  In parallel, water demand is projected to increase by 55% globally between 2000 and 2050, mainly contributed by the manufacturing, electricity, and domestic sectors.  Many regions, including the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), are anticipated to face severe water stress and a deterioration of surface water quality.

While supplies need to grow to respond to the demand, lower-carbon fuels and technologies require to be deployed to limit environmental emissions and mitigate their associated health and climate impacts.  The industry and transport sector may face specific challenges to displace coal/gas and oil, respectively, and may not match the pace of decarbonization of the centralized electricity sector.

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Prof. Valerie Eveloy
Khalifa University
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Dr. Valerie Eveloy holds a Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering (Dublin City University, Ireland) and a M.Sc. degree in physical engineering (National Institute of Applied Science, France). She has thirty years academic and industrial experience in mechanical and energy engineering, and is currently professor in the department of mechanical engineering at Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Prior to joining Khalifa University, she was with The Petroleum Institute (now part of Khalifa University), the University of Maryland-College Park, and Nokia. Her current research interests include energy system/process modeling and optimization, hydrogen and other energy vectors from renewable power, energy recovery, multi-generation, sustainable cooling, and computational fluid dynamics. She has authored or co-authored over 140 refereed journal and conference publications in these areas, book chapters, and co-edited several international energy conference proceedings. She is an editorial board member of several international energy and mechanical engineering journals, and has also served as guest editor for sustainable energy journal special issues including on power-to-X and decarbonization of energy-intensive industry. She serves on several international conference program committees focused on energy technologies and electronics thermal management.

Invited papers (2)
SPECIAL SESSION: Energy and Water Efficiency for Sustainable Future: Knowledge Development and Transfer
Session resume:

In Dubrovnik, 27 September – 2 October 2015 the session has received a considerable attention, which having three time slots and spanning two conference days, consolidating the outcome of the 2014 conference (Mediterranean). Many of the presenters will be soon invited to publish extended manuscripts in dedicated Special Issues of journals with a high Impact Factor, among which Applied Energy (IF 5.613), Energy (IF 4.844), Energy Conversion and Management (IF 4.380), Journal of Cleaner Production (IF 3.844).

Due to the high demand it has been decided to organise this session again in 2016, this time for the SDEWES 2016 in Lisbon. The main focus of the session is on research and demonstration in the field of energy and water efficiency for improving the sustainability in industrial and other activities. Due to the immense importance of knowledge dissemination and transfer, presentations are also invited in the field of knowledge management and especially knowledge transfer.

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Dr. Petar Varbanov
Brno University of Technology
Brno, Czech Republic
Dr Varbanov worked for the Institute of Chemical Engineering, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, where he still acts as a Consultant. After a spell in the industry in Bulgaria he got a scholarship at a prestigious British University – UMIST, Manchester. He got PhD in Process Integration from UMIST with distinction and won another prestigious EC Marie Curie grant for 2-year research at Technische Universität Berlin, followed by another EC grant for coming to the University of Pannonia - Hungary, where he is a Deputy Head of the Centre for Process Integration and Intensification CPI2.

His experience covers energy saving, water and waste water minimization, optimization of energy supply networks, Systems Modelling, Process Synthesis and Process Operation. His research has been successfully implemented in collaboration with industrial partners: BP-Coryton, BP-Grangemouth, MOL Százhalombatta. Presently he has been contributing to 7 EC co-funded research projects. He has published more than 50 papers in peer-reviewed journals. He is a co-author of two books and several chapters in books. Dr Varbanov acts as a scientific secretary of the PRES series of conferences and editor of the related Special Issues in respected journals such as Applied Thermal Engineering, Journal of Cleaner Production, Cleaner Technologies and Environmental Policy, Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering. Dr Varbanov is Subject Editor for ENERGY, for the topic of Energy Planning Tools.
Prof. Jiří Jaromír Klemeš
Brno University of Technology - VUT Brno
Brno, Czech Republic
Co-Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Cleaner Production. The founder and President for 24 y of PRES (Process Integration for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction) conferences. Chairperson of CAPE Working Party of EFCE, a member of WP on Process Intensification and of the EFCE Sustainability platform. He authored and co-authored more than 700 papers, h-index reaching 65. A number of books published by Elsevier, Woodhead, McGraw-Hill; Ashgate Publishing Cambridge; Springer; WILEY-VCH; Taylor & Francis).
Several times Distinguished Visiting Professor at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and University Technology Petronas, Malaysia; Xi’an Jiaotong University; South China University of Technology, Guangzhou and Tianjin University in China; University of Maribor, Slovenia; Brno University of Technology and the Russian Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology, Moscow. Doctor Honoris Causa of Kharkiv National University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” in Ukraine, the University of Maribor in Slovenia, University POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania. “Honorary Doctor of Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia”. Awarded with “Honorary Membership of Czech Society of Chemical Engineering", "European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) Life-Time Achievements Award" and "Pro Universitaire Pannonica" Gold Medal.

Invited papers (11)
SPECIAL SESSION: Sustainable Campuses and Communities: Living Labs for Energy, Water and Environment System Integration
Session resume:

In 2016, the first universal and legally binding global climate deal will be opened for signature and the new sustainable development goals and targets come into effect. This marks the opening of new possibilities for the sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems. Best practices to transform energy and related systems towards better integrated ones is more vital than ever to reduce resource spending and emissions.

This Special Session focuses on the role of campuses and communities in supporting the more sustainable consumption and production systems of the future. Already in the 10th SDEWES Conference in Dubrovnik, invited papers representing 30 researchers and 16 institutions from countries in Europe and Asia, including International Sustainable Campus Network members, put forth analyses of best practices. These included climate strategies, smart renewable energy systems and microgrids, innovative energy monitoring, self-sufficiency in heating and cooling, energy positive communities, energy quality (exergy) mapping of campus buildings and clusters, as well as circular economy in campuses.

The invited papers for the 11th SDEWES Conference will focus on a similarly diverse spectrum of best practices from leading campuses and communities from around the world, with a particular focus on the integration of energy, water and environment systems.  Experts from the International Energy Agency Annex 64 on “Optimised Performance of Energy Supply Systems with Exergy Principles” and related tasks will further enrich the scope of the Special Session, including on low exergy communities and net-zero districts.  

Invited papers are also welcome to provide an outlook towards scaling-up the best practices for greater impact in society. In this perspective, campuses and communities may be approached as “living labs” for better sustainability in the urban context. Authors are particularly invited to relate the best practices at the campus and/or community level to improving the ranking of cities in the SDEWES City Index, which has been developed to benchmark the performance of cities in various aspects to determine the sustainability of energy, water and environment systems. Beyond vital hubs of education and research, campuses and commununities can empower cities to accelerate sustainability transitions.   

Prof. Şiir KILKIŞ
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK)
Ankara, Turkey
Şiir Kılkış is alumna of KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Georgetown University, where she graduated magna cum laude with honors as the gold medalist in Science, Technology, and International Affairs. She served as a Lead Author in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report Working Group III on Mitigation of Climate Change with a focus on urban systems and sustainable development, engaging in cross-Working Group collaborations. For the Seventh Assessment Cycle, she is elected to serve in the IPCC Bureau as a Vice-Chair of WGIII. She is Senior Researcher and Science Advisor to the President at The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey. She is double affiliated in the Earth System Science program of the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences at Middle East Technical University as a Professor in energy systems engineering, climate change, and sustainable development. She takes place among the world’s top 2% scientists in the areas of energy, environmental science, and emerging/strategic technologies and is an International Scientific Committee member of the SDEWES Center. Her research work includes urban emissions and land use efficiency scenarios, the multi-dimensional SDEWES Index benchmarking 120 cities, novel net-zero district concepts, and the Rational Exergy Management Model to curb CO₂ emissions. She is an editorial board member of Energy Conversion and Management, The Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water & Environment Systems, Smart Energy, and Energy Storage and Saving. She is a member of the Earth Commission on earth system boundaries, Steering Committee of Future Earth Urban Knowledge Action Network, Board of Governors of the Joint Research Centre, and the Mission Board for Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities.

Invited papers (9)
SPECIAL SESSION: Sustainable Combustion
Session resume:

The dependence of the world’s energy production on fossil fuels and related environmental pollution remain among the greatest challenges today. The combustion of fossil fuels releases large quantities of pollutant and CO2 emissions into the environment, which are the largest drivers of climate change. The latest report from the scientific panel on anthropogenic global warming indicates that remarkable and joint global action is required to reduce these emissions, and the longer we wait to address this issue, the more difficult, technologically challenging and expensive will become. The need to burn more efficiently and cleanly remains a great challenge and huge responsibility for the international combustion community and therefore the main objective of this special session is to bring together the scientists, researchers, and experts to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas, and research results about all aspects of combustion science and sustainable combustion technologies: fundamental physical and chemical aspects of traditional and novel fuel sources; reaction kinetics, combustion emissions, pollutants, soot and particulates; IC engine combustion; gas turbine combustion; furnace combustion; coal, biomass, biofuel and waste combustion, multiphase flows and sprays; particle technology, gasification and pyrolysis; new combustion technologies.

Prof. Milan Vujanović
University of Zagreb
Zagreb, Croatia
Milan Vujanović is a researcher and team leader of CFD Combustion Research Group and head of the Power Engineering and Energy Management Chair at Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb.
Prof. Vujanović holds PhD in “numerical modelling of multiphase flow in the combustion of fuels”. His research is in the areas of modelling and simulation of turbulent combustion, pollution formation, multiphase flows and sprays, and also in the areas of sustainable energy, environmental protection and climate change. He holds lecturers within courses “Combustion and Radiation Modelling”, “Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics” and “Energy Engines”. He has over 100 publications in Scientific Journals, Books and International Conferences Proceedings to his credit.
Prof. Vujanović is a consultant to many industries and several public authorities. He is a member of the Combustion Institute, member of the European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, and member of the Centre for Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems.
Prof. Mário Costa
Instituto Superior Técnico
Lisboa, Portugal
Mário Costa (1960-2020) was a Full Professor in the area of Environment and Energy at the Mechanical Engineering Department of Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), where he taught several courses, including Thermodynamics, Combustion, Renewables Energies and Integrated Energy Systems.
He graduated in Chemical Engineering at University of Coimbra in 1984, obtained his PhD in Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College London in 1992 and his Habilitation in Mechanical Engineering at Technical University of Lisbon in 2009.He supervised more than 100 MSc, Phd and Postdoc students. He participated in more than 55 national and international projects in the area of Energy and Environment and (co-)authored one book, more than 140 papers in international peer-reviewed journals and more than 180 papers in international conferences. Mário served as Associate Editor of the Proceedings of the Combustion Institute and belonged to the Editorial Board of the Aerospace, Combustion and Flame, Energy Conversion and Management, Energies, and Energy and Fuels.
He was the recipient of the Caleb Brett Award of the Institute of Energy in 1991, of the Sugden Award of the British Section of the Combustion Institute in 1991, of the Prémio Científico UTL/Santander Totta in 2010 and of a Menção Honrosa Universidade de Lisboa/Santander in 2016.

Invited papers (17)


Benchmarking the performance of cities across energy, water and environment systems
related metrics presents an opportunity to trigger policy learning, action, and cooperation to bring cities closer to sustainable development.